Parents: Don’t Solve All Issues

Parents Don't Solve All Issues

Author Mark Gregston gave advice to parents at the Family Summit on how to prepare their children to deal with their problems, and not their parents.

A Path to Simplicity through Being and Giving

A Path To Simplicity Through Being And Giving

To simplify your life, simplify yourself. To simplify yourself look to remove pride within. Focus on being humble, being simple, straightforward, giving, and non-attached to possessions.

What is this “Cutting”?

Concerned About Your Teen Cutting?

When teenagers talk about cutting, what the are referring to is the use of sharp objects (razorblades, scissors, fingernails, keys, etc.) to make cuts or scratches on the body. Cutting can take the form of simple cuts and scratches, or the carving of words or images into the skin.