10 Ways An Active Father Benefits A Kid

10 Ways An Active Father Benefits Their Kids

Fathers Make a Difference!

Active father involvement in a child’s life is likely to have a positive impact on school performance, healthy self-esteem, social behavior, and avoidance of high-risk behaviors.

10 Reasons Why a Child Needs an Active Father

  1. Quality Time.  Active fathers let a child know that they are loved by spending quality time with them, building a stronger emotional bond and healthy self-esteem.
  2. Financial Resources.  Research shows that a family with an active father has more financial means to access essential needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical care).
  3. Positive Role Model.  Children need both positive male and female role models.  Children mirror behaviors (positive and negative) that they observe regularly.
  4. Emotional Support.  Active fathers can listen and support the child’s emotional experiences (joy, sadness, anger, fear, frustration, etc.), allowing the child to attune to the needs of others.
  5. Self-Esteem.  Children with healthy self-esteem feel better about themselves, as well as being happier and more confident.
  6. Intellectual Development.  Children with active father involvement score higher on measures of verbal and mathematical ability.  They also demonstrate greater problem-solving and social skills.
  7. Guidance and Discipline.  Fathers can teach their children appropriate behavior by enforcing healthy limits.
  8. Play.  Fathers tend to use more physical forms of play, which can enhance cognitive ability.
  9. Communication.  Children are naturally curious with lots of questions, which helps them learn from active fathers.
  10. Academic Success.  Children with active father involvement are more likely to achieve academic success that extends into adulthood.
  11. Alternative Life Perspective. Research shows that men and women usually differ in parenting styles, and one style is not necessarily better than the other.
  12. Decrease Early Sexual Activity. Chances for teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are reduced when the child has active father involvement.
  13. Lower Chances for School Failure. Children with active father involvement are less likely to drop out of school.
  14. Lower Risk of Youth Suicide. Youth are less likely to commit suicide than children with un-involved fathers.
  15. Lower Juvenile Delinquency. Children with active fathers are less likely to commit juvenile crimes.
  16. Lowers Child’s Chances for Adult Criminality. Active fathering diminishes the chances that a child will commit crimes as an adult.
  17. Physical and Emotional Security. Active fathers promote a trusting relationship in which a child does not worry about abandonment.
  18. Moral Development. Children need a moral compass to guide their choices. Both fathers and mothers help children develop a sense of right and wrong, the foundation for moral character.
  19. Healthy Gender Identity. Research indicates that mothers and fathers help socialize their children in different ways.
  20. Life Skills. Important life skills are learned within the home. This enables children to grow up to be healthy and productive adults.

The 20 benefits of active fathering are great discussion points with the families we serve! If you want to learn how to play a bigger part in your child’s life, contact us today. 

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